Simplify your hiring

Compare plan features

Lite Pro

Daily candidates per role
Receive a set number of new candidates per active role each business day. Keep the flow steady by regularly reviewing pending candidates

10 candidates / role

15 candidates / role

Unlimited Interview Scheduling
Rolebot handles candidate engagement and interview scheduling for all your roles, saving you time and effort

Access to candidate’s contact info
Gain access to candidate contact information when available, facilitating direct communication with potential hires

Unlimited Users
Invite an unlimited number of coworkers to join Rolebot, fostering collaboration across your entire team

Access to Integrations
Unlock seamless workflows with access to all integrations, including Greenhouse, Lever, iCIMS, and more

Email Support
Email support for any inquiries or assistance you may need

As many roles as needed
Chat with our sales team to tailor a solution that perfectly fits your team's needs. Enjoy the flexibility of covering as many roles as your team requires!

Specialized customer support agent
Receive dedicated support with a dedicated manager on the Pro plan, ensuring personalized assistance for your unique needs

Interchangeable Roles
Effortlessly manage your hiring needs by closing one role and launching a different one mid-month. Maintain flexibility while keeping within your active role limit based on your subscription plan

Sourcing-Only Roles
Quickly launch sourcing-only roles to receive qualified candidates without engagement from Rolebot. This option allows you to manage candidate interactions directly while still benefiting from our candidate sourcing capabilities

Live Support
Receive prompt assistance with our dedicated live and email support. Our team is here to help you navigate your hiring process and ensure a smooth experience

Compare plan features

Daily candidates per role
Receive a set number of new candidates per active role each business day. Keep the flow steady by regularly reviewing pending candidates.

Unlimited Interview Scheduling
Rolebot handles candidate engagement and interview scheduling for all your roles, saving you time and effort

Access to candidate’s contact info
Gain access to candidate contact information when available, facilitating direct communication with potential hires

Unlimited Users
Invite an unlimited number of coworkers to join Rolebot, fostering collaboration across your entire team

Access to Integrations
Unlock seamless workflows with access to all integrations, including Greenhouse, Lever, iCIMS, and more

Email Support
Email support for any inquiries or assistance you may need

As many roles as needed
Chat with our sales team to tailor a solution that perfectly fits your team's needs. Enjoy the flexibility of covering as many roles as your team requires!

Specialized customer support agent
Receive dedicated support with a dedicated manager on the Pro plan, ensuring personalized assistance for your unique needs

Interchangeable Roles
Effortlessly manage your hiring needs by closing one role and launching a different one mid-month. Maintain flexibility while keeping within your active role limit based on your subscription plan

Sourcing-Only Roles
Quickly launch sourcing-only roles to receive qualified candidates without engagement from Rolebot. This option allows you to manage candidate interactions directly while still benefiting from our candidate sourcing capabilities

Live Support
Receive prompt assistance with our dedicated live and email support. Our team is here to help you navigate your hiring process and ensure a smooth experience